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Premium universal undersheet, 93cmcm wide, with only a connection cable

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Premium universal undersheet, 93cmcm wide, with only a connection cable

Universal undersheet 93x340cm, of which 93x200cm is conductive, with a connection cable to ground yourself while you are sleeping. Use it under your own fitted sheet Read more

Price per piece
In stock Default delivery time: Within 2 workdays
  • The one supplier that offers guarantee on lifespan
  • Support your health!
  • Best quality
  • Sent within 2 workdays
Product description

We are proud to introduce the updated Premium universal earthing undersheet.
We produce this under our own label.  

It took us more than 4 years to develop the patented fabric of the Premium earthing undersheet. The light gray fabric has solid surgical grade stainless steel fibers. It is designed to maximize the conductivity of the robust material but at the same time feel like cotton, soft and flexible.

The advantages of the patented premium earthing undersheet are:

  • contains 15% very fine surgical grade stainless steel fibers for optimum durability and conductivity 

  • contains 10% specially designed fibers with strong antibacterial action for extra hygiene

  • contains 75% environmentally friendly Tencel, produced from FSC certified forest

  • you use it under your own favorite fitted sheet 

  • stainless steel is not sensitive to acids or sulphur from perspiration and skin oils and chemicals in personal care products

  • needs to be washed less often, so less wear and tear

  • specially designed to last much longer, expected to last 5 years or more

  • 2 years warranty on wear and production errors as well as on the proper functioning (conductivity) of the earthing undersheet

The conductive part of this earthing undersheet is 93x200cm
At both ends there is a tuck-in strip of 70cm long, it is made of 100% Tencel.
Overall, the Premium universal earthing undersheet is 93cm wide and 340cm long.

The sheet is connected to earth with the included special connection cable and either an EU earthing adapter or a ground rod (choose during the ordering process) to ground your body during sleep. This is an ideal time to ground, because during sleep your body can recover best. Thus, you can naturally reduce symptoms and improve self-healing ability.

Health effects
Sleeping on an earthing undersheet reduces stress in your body, you sleep deeper, snore less and wake up better rested. It improves your immune system, makes you feel better and makes you look better!

Eco-friendly Tencel
Tencel (or Lyocell) is an all-natural raw material, and is made in Austria from eucalyptus wood from sustainably managed forests. The manufacturing process is also very environmentally friendly. Tencel is as soft as silk, as easy to care for as acrylic, as cool and pleasant as linen, as warm as wool, and much better moisture absorber than cotton. 

The universal earthing undersheet sheet can fit on a mattress of a single bed or a double bed.
The universal earthing undersheet is suitable for any single mattress.
For a double bed, the earthing undersheet can be laid across the mattress and tucked in on both sides of the mattress. You can also choose to lay it lengthwise for one person to maximize grounding.
 If both persons want to sleep grounded and maximally grounded, then you will need two universal earthing undersheets, or an earthing undersheet/fitted sheet size 140 - 160 - 180.

How to use
You place the Premium universal earthing undersheet under your own fitted sheet, just like our silver earthing undersheets. The moisture from your skin creates conduction through your own fitted sheet to the earthing undersheet, grounding you without the need for direct skin contact with the earthing undersheet.
Because skin oils and perspiration are initially absorbed by your own fitted sheet, conduction remains optimal longer. As a result, it needs to be washed less often, once every 1 to 2 months. All of this greatly benefits its lifespan. 
For good conductivity, we recommend using a fitted sheet made from a natural fiber, such as cotton, viscose or Tencel and with little or no synthetic component, such as polyester.

Unique: 2-year warranty on wear and manufacturing defects and on the proper functioning of the earthing undersheet
We offer a 2-year warranty on this earthing undersheet against wear and manufacturing defects provided the care instructions enclosed in the plastic cover of the earthing undersheet have been followed. This unique warranty covers not only all manufacturing defects but also the proper functioning (conductivity), i.e. effective grounding, of your earthing undersheet! 
The expected lifespan is 4 years or more.

Testing your earthing undersheet with a product tester at half price or a multimeter at 30% off 
The product tester is a sensitive device for determining if there is electrical conduction between two points. When you purchase an earthing undersheet, you get 50% off the product tester. 
With the product tester you test:
1. Whether you yourself are grounded when in direct contact with the earthing product,
2. Whether everything is properly connected and your earthing product conducts properly,
3. Whether a cable conducts properly,
4. Whether your earthing product is grounded (via ground pin or grounded outlet),
5. Whether your outlet is grounded.

Testing with the Earthing multimeter measures the decrease in AC voltage (in digits) once you are grounded. You receive a 30% discount on the Earthing multimeter with the purchase of an earthing product.  
With the Earthing multimeter you test in millivolts: 
1. Whether you yourself are grounded on (in)direct contact. So you can also measure the decrease in AC voltage with clothing on or when you test with your own fitted sheet over the earthing product,
2. Whether everything is properly connected and your earthing product conducts properly,
3. Whether a cable conducts properly,
4. Whether your earthing product is grounded (via ground rod or grounded outlet),
5. Whether your outlet is grounded.
In the ordering process, choose the option for a (or no) tester. When purchasing an earthing product, we recommend purchasing a tester. This allows you to check after each wash to see if the earthing product is reconnected properly and if after years of use the stainless steel fibers still conduct. 

Connecting to earth
Using the included 5-meter-long special connection cable, you connect the earthing undersheet to the ground of a grounded outlet (i.e. not to the electricity) or to a ground rod, which you insert into the ground outside. 

If you do not yet have a ground rod or EU earthing adapter, order this from "Your further connection". 
The EU earthing adapter is a specially designed plastic plug with two metal earth strips, which in a grounded outlet makes contact only with the earth and not with the current. The earthing adapter has the possibility for a connecting 3 earthing products.With a splitter, an infinite number of products can be connected to earth. 

If you have a choice between using a ground rod and an earthing adapter, we recommend using a ground rod for the earthing undersheet, especially for people who are (highly) sensitive.

The earthing undersheet can be machine washed at 40-60 degrees.It must be dried on the line only. 
For detailed washing instructions see 'frequently asked questions'.
Each earthing undersheet comes with extensive washing instructions.


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Premium universal undersheet, 93cmcm wide, with only a connection cable
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13 reviews


Merk heel veel verschil met vorig laken, voel allerlei kleine verkrampingen in mijn lichaam oplossen. Heel fijn!


Iedereen bij ons thuis slaapt op een aardingslaken. Het oude laken van mijn zoontje was na 5 jaar lekkerlijk versleten. Hij werd onrustiger, sliep slechter in en werd s nachts heeel veel en vaak wakker. Wij zijn allemaal super blij met het nieuwe laken. Mijn zoontje slaapt weer als een blok en ook wij komen weer aan onze nacht rust toe.
Zelfs als wij op vakantie gaan nemen we de laken mee!!

Tiny Kuijpers

Slaapt heerlijk, nog geen echte verbetering van dikke voeten, dat valt tegen, had gehoopt dat die zouden verdwijnen, maar helaas


inmiddels slaapt mijn hele gezin op een laken, super blij mee!
Veel klachten die we hadden zijn verdwenen of veel minder geworden. Ik vind het ook super dat het bescherming biedt tegen straling, vooral voor mijn 3 kinderen die op school en thuis achter computers zitten, en de komst van 5G.
We voelden allemaal tintelingen toen we er voor het eerst op lagen, maar dat is alleen maar goed :-)

Mandy Weller

Werkt heel erg goed.
Alleen wel opletten dat je het laken onder een katoenen laken legt geen dik badstof oid.


Ben zeer verrast over de werking. Na een paar dagen geslapen te hebben op het aardingsonderlaken sliep ik langere tijd door dan voorheen. Mijn wat labiel fysieke gevoel is zeer verbeterd en geeft me meer stabiliteit. Kan iedereen het product zeer aanraden als hulp bij herstel van wat dan ook.

Marjanne de Bont

Gekocht om beter te slapen....gaat tot nu toe prima!


Heel blij mee. Mijn zware benen zijn verleden tijd. Ik heb meer energie en het “stroomt” meer in mijn lichaam. Het voelt als ontladen en ik kan loslaten wat mij niet dient aan de aarde. Wat jammer is is dat de laken wel snel kreukelt en dat voel je op een gegeven moment wel. Ik raad dit iedereen aan!


Onze dochters (5 en 7) slapen ook geaard. Ze zijn gevoelig naar allerlei geluiden en nu slapen ze vaak hier doorheen.

A uit H

Een aardingslaken gekocht die mijn oude aardingslaken opvolgde. Bloedcirculatie verbeterd en diepere ontspanning. Meer geaard ! Niet twijfelen maar doen.


De eerste nachten was het wennen met slapen. Ik ervaarde een kriebel en onrust in mijn lijf. De klantenservice garandeerde me dat dit een goed teken is. Er gebeurt iets, dus het contact met de aarde is aanwezig. Op advies van hen heb ik het hoeslaken over de breedte van mijn bed gelegd. Hierdoor werd het overdragend oppervlakte van mijn lichaam op het laken verminderd en kon deze wennen aan de nieuwe situatie. Sindsdien ben ik een week of vijf verder en slaap ik in de volledige lengte van het hoeslaken. Ik ervaar een diepere slaap en word energieker wakker. Ik raad het geaard slapen aan iedereen aan en ben inmiddels een enthousiast vertegenwoordiger.

I uit Dordrecht

Nu het laken een aantal weken in gebruik. Mijn lichaam lijkt meer te ontspannen en slaap ook dieper. Ben tevreden.


Goed product en vlotte levering

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