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Silver Fitted Earthing Undersheet, 90 cm wide, with only a connection cable

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Silver Fitted Earthing Undersheet, 90 cm wide, with only a connection cable
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Silver Fitted Earthing Undersheet, 90 cm wide, with only a connection cable

Fitted Earthing Undersheet 90x210cm with 50% silver fibre with connecting cable to ground yourself while you are sleeping. Result: you sleep better, wake up more refreshed and you snore less. Read more

Price per piece
In stock Default delivery time: Within 2 workdays
  • The one supplier that offers guarantee on lifespan
  • Support your health!
  • Best quality
  • Sent within 2 workdays
Product description

Earthing Nederland introduced in 2016 a complete new grounding sheet: the silver earthing undersheet.
We produce this under our own label.

The advantages of the new generation silver undersheet are:
* contains 50% high quality silver fibre

* stronger antibacterial activity
* can be put under your own favorite fitted sheet
* much less vulnerable for sweat and skin oils
* specialy designed for much better longevity

* less washing means longer lifespan of your sheet
* Tencel is one of the best threads available for the environment
* 2 year warrantee on production errors

Sleeping on a silver earthing undersheet reduces stress in the body, improves blood circulation, reduces chronic inflammation and improves sleep, to feel better and look better!

The earthing undersheet / fitted sheet is connected to the earth with a special connecting cable to ground your body during sleep. This is an ideal time to ground, because during sleep your body can recover best. This allows you to naturally reduce symptoms and improve self-healing.

50% silver fibre
The conductive part of this earthing undersheet is 90x210cm and is made of no less than 50% high-quality silver fibre and 50% durable Tencel. The amount of silver fibre is 15 to 30 times higher than in traditional earthing sheets, allowing it to be placed under your own fitted sheet. So you can keep using your own favorite sheets!
This also extends the life of the earthing undersheet. 
When you lie on your own fitted sheet with the earthing undersheet underneath, you are at least as well grounded as when you lie directly on a traditional earthing sheet (which contains 3-5% silver wire). Using 50% silver fibre also increases the surface area with which your body is in contact with the earth. This means an even greater flow of electrons to your body. Electrons take away the excess free radicals found in inflammatory conditions.

Silver fibre consists of a nylon thread coated with 99.99% pure silver, is of high quality and is produced in France.
Tencel (or Lyocell) is an all-natural raw material, and is made in Austria from eucalyptus wood from sustainably managed forests. The production process is also very environmentally friendly. Tencel is as soft as silk, as easy to care for as acrylic, as cool and pleasant as linen, as warm as wool, and much more moisture-absorbent than cotton. 

Discover the advantages of our Silver Earthing Undersheets and the differences with standard earthing silver sheets

The earthing undersheet/ fitted sheet has a 40cm wide tuck-in strip of organic cotton with elastic all around. 

You put the earthing undersheet under your own fitted sheet. 
This makes it less vulnerable to perspiration, skin fats, oils, creams, etc. and requires less frequent washing, once every 1 to 2 months. All this is very beneficial to its longevity. 
For good conductivity, we recommend using a fitted sheet made from a natural fiber, such as cotton, viscose or Tencel and with little or no synthetic component, such as polyester.

Unique: Two-year warranty on wear and manufacturing defects and proper functioning of the earthing undersheet.
We offer a 2-year warranty on this earthing undersheet against wear and manufacturing defects provided the care instructions enclosed in the plastic cover of the undersheet have been followed. This unique warranty covers not only all manufacturing defects but also the proper functioning, i.e. effective earthing, of your earthing undersheet! The warranty does not cover discoloration of the silver fibre, which is a natural process. Sweat through your own fitted sheet can cause the silver to discolor brown, but it does not affect the proper functioning of the earthing undersheet.

Test your earthing undersheet with a half-price product tester or a multimeter at 30% off 
The product tester is a sensitive device for determining if there is electrical conduction between two points. When you purchase an earthing undersheet, you get 50% off the product tester. 
With the product tester you test:
1. Whether you yourself are grounded when in direct contact with the earthing product.
2. Whether everything is properly connected and your earthing product conducts properly,
3. Whether a cable conducts properly,
4. Whether your earthing product is grounded (via ground rod or grounded outlet).
5. Whether your wall socket is grounded.

Testing with the earthing multimeter measures the decrease in AC voltage (in digits) once you are grounded. You receive a 30% discount on the earthing multimeter with the purchase of an earthing undersheet.  
With the earthing multimeter you test in millivolts: 
1. Whether you yourself are grounded on (in)direct contact with the earthing product. So you can also measure the decrease in AC voltage with clothing on or when you test with your own fitted sheet over the earthing product,
2. Whether everything is properly connected and your earthing product conducts properly,
3. Whether a cable conducts properly,
4. Whether your earthing product is grounded (via ground pin or grounded outlet),
5. Whether your outlet is grounded.
In the ordering process, choose the option for a (or no) tester. When purchasing an earthing undersheet, we recommend purchasing a tester. This way you can check after every wash to see if the product is properly connected again to the earth and if, after years of use the silver still conducts. 

Connecting to the earth
Using the supplied 5-meter-long special connection cable, you connect the earthing undersheet to the ground of a grounded outlet (not to the electricity) or to a ground rod, which you stick into the ground outside. 

If you don't have a ground rod or an earthing adapter, you should order this in the ordering process "choose further connection tool".
The earthing adapter is a specially designed plastic plug with two metal earthing strips, which in a grounded outlet makes contact only with the earth and not with the current. The earthing adapter has the possibility for connecting 3 earthing products. With a splitter, an infinite number of earthing products can be connected to earth. 

If you have a choice between using a ground rod and an earthing adapter, we recommend using a ground rod for the earthing undersheet, especially for people who are (highly) sensitive.

The earthing undersheet can be machine washed at 40-60 degrees. 
Dry preferably on the line, or on low temperature (max. 65 degrees) in the dryer.
For detailed washing instructions see 'frequently asked questions'.
A comprehensive washing instruction is included with each earthing undersheet. 

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Silver Fitted Earthing Undersheet, 90 cm wide, with only a connection cable
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7 reviews

Jack Mol

Allereerst,wij zijn gezond.Merken wij iets van de aarding,nee.Wij aarden preventief als onderdeel(naast levenstijl/voeding etc)voor onze gezondheid.Ons advies;doe zelfonderzoek;kijk de Earthing-movie(YouTube),lees daarna het boek en eventueel de wetenschappelijke onderzoeken.Mochten er daarna nog vragen zijn,neem gewoon contact op met Earthingnederland.nl.Laat U niet overtuigen door een ander en overtuig uzelf (U zult vragen;waarom is dit zo weinig bekend?de Pharma verdiend hier niets aan)Zorg goed voor uzelf,een ander zal dat niet doen.

Theo Hooijer

Ik heb al jaren een aardingsonderlaken, echter de laatste tijd had ik een beetje het gevoel dat ik "boven" het bed hing in mijn slaap. Ik heb een tester dus dat was snel getest, en ja, helaas, na vele jaren goede dienst was het laken op. Ik heb nu weer een nieuwe en slaap weer heerlijk op de aarde:-)

Margo Burghoorn

Het spijt me, maar ik merk er helaas niets van.


Ik ben heel tevreden over het aardingsonderlaken. Meest opvallende zaken zijn, dat mijn slaap dieper is (en dat ik er minder uithoef voor toiletbezoek).
Ook val ik sneller in slaap.

En ik word (vaker en -meer- verfrist) uit mezelf wakker nog
voor de wekker gaat.
Een overtuigende werking van -geaard- slapen dus ;)


Wat een goede service!!. Van uitleg tot dat je je aankoop in huis hebt.
Vanaf het moment dat ik het laken ging gebruiken merkte ik een ontspanning van het lichaam. Het laken neem ik ook mee op vakantie.
Dit laken is ook heel praktisch in gebruik.
Ook geschikt voor hele dikke matrassen.
Totaal geen spijt van deze aankoop!!


De service van de webshop is erg goed. Ze denken goed mee.
Van het laken zelf merk ik nog niet echt verschil, hoop dat het nog komt.


Heeft m’n leven en gezondheid veranderd. Ik was erg ziek en dit heeft mijn gezondheid sterk bespoedigd. Al meer dan tien jaar slaap ik slecht. Ik heb echt bijna alles geprobeerd. Maar dit werkt gewoon. Nu slaap ik veel beter. Wat een verademing! Ik kan en wil niet meer zonder.