• Since 2012
  • Best worldwide quality
  • Earthing.com distributor in Netherlands and Belgium
  • Only supplier with full warranty

Earthing™ Mats

Home Earthing™ Mats
Take more than 95% of the stress off your body while working on the computer, gaming or watching TV using an earthing mat. For every situation we have the perfect solution te be grounded. 

Working grounded has the advantage that you have and experience less stress. Your nervous system immediately gets the signal to relax. You work with more concentration and are less tired at the end of the day. 
Also in the evening, when you relax, you can ground yourself with an earthing mat. When watching TV, gaming or using the phone, using the earthing mat keeps your stress level lower and you fall asleep more easily later.

  • canvas earthing mat: on the couch, office chair, in bed, traveling
  • universal earthing mat: on your desk or with your feet resting on the mat
  • yoga earthing mat: to be even more grounded during the yoga practice
  • earthing floor mat: in the kitchen, for exercising, working standing up
  • earthing meditation mat: also suitable for animals to ground due to the strong top layer
  • automat: it takes away static electricity for more focus on the road, the mat does not ground you.
