• Since 2012
  • Best worldwide quality
  • Earthing.com distributor in Netherlands and Belgium
  • Only supplier with full warranty
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Experiences and stories

Numerous postive experiences have already been reported in the Netherlands, particularly with regard to sleeping and snoring. Sometimes people experience improvements immediately after the first night they sleep on the Earthing sheet. Sometmes it takes a little longer. For example an experience from a user: the husband was snoring and always lay down for an hour after she got up. The night they had slept grounded for the first time, her husband had stopped snoring and got up with her. He said that he had not slept so well for years and had no trouble getting up. Others say that it improved much more slowly with them. Sometimes they did not notice it, until after a few weeks they suddenly noticed that for the first time they had not been worying and had slept all night. 

Some of the stories told by our customers: 

"It seems like I no longer have MS!"
"I like to tell my story to anyone who wants to hear it: I have had the secondary progresive form for 20 years. I started reading the book 'Earthing', I read it super fast and from Chapter 1 I already had the idea that this would certainly work. After that I sat down with my bare feet on the grass and after 45 minutes I started my daily round. I noticed that my legs were much stronger than usual. I did this for 3 consecutive days. I was convinced so I immediately bought a sheet for bed. After 2 days I was able to lift my leg again so that I could climb the stairs again. A miracle I did 3 steps in a row!!!
I was quitte handicapped by my MS and even bought a walker and eventually a scoot-mobil. Miraculously I now walk a greater distance with or without a walker and the scoot-mobil is locked in the shed, I can sell it. As if I no longer have MS.....
I tell everyone who wants to know (or not). I'm soooo happy. I can imagine that this does not immediately count for every MS patient, but it is defintely worth trying!'
Annette Kerkhof

"I don't snore anymore and my husband doesn't often have to get out at night"
A friend read the book 'Earthing, the most important health discovery ever?'. I could hardly believe what it said, but she (my girlfriend) was snoring a lot and I do that too and by sleeping grounded her snoring stopped. My husband has to go to the toilet 4 to 5 times a night and according to the description, earthing would help with this. We have ordered an earthing sheet for a single bed to try. We were surprised after my husband had slept on it that night, that what was described was true. He woke up that night for the first time at 6 am, went to the toilet but didn't even have such a bad urge. Immediately fell asleep again until 8 am. After 3 nights I put the sheet on both our mattresses an (it really is) the snoring is over. Also, after about a week my husband felt that the cramp he often had in his legs during the night was much less. We are now 2 weeks further and today I ordered the second sheet.  I also gave my son and daughter the book as a gift for their families. 
I still find it almost ubelievable, but what I have described is really true."
Dina de Bondt - Leurink

"Unbelievers, skeptics, distrustful and all peers with a slightly different name, read this, because Earthing works. It really works. And convincing. I was also somewhat suspicious about it myself, but after no more than twelve hours experience, I want to shout it all off, I would like to set up a grand campaign if I had the means and the opportunity. 
It came like this: 

With Old Dutch caution, I first bought such a small universal mat to then use the grounded earth of the socket to spend an entire evening on the keys of my computer. soon there was a noticeable effect, because usually I have to leave the screen after a good half hour. Not now. I was able to work for more than two hours straight. And effortlessly. Usually I also have to move - pain here, pain there. Not now. Maybe I did move a little, but not because it was necessary, not consciously. That was only because I was now in constant contact with the earth with my bare feet on the conductive mat, in my apartment on the first floor. Amazing, that earthing. 

I took the mat with the cover provided around it to bed and lay down to sleep on it. It was long ago that I slept so well and woke up so fresh. Amazing. Very surprising, because the manual stated that it can sometimes take a long time before you feel a clear improvement. It may of course be that I am a special case, because I only needed one evenign and one night. But why should I be a unique special case? I can't think of it mysel. At most, I am slightly more sensitive to some influences than most people. 

When I moved a year and a few months ago from a house somewhere in the forest to a new-build home in an urban atmosphere, I soon realized that I had ended up in a process of what I called accelerated aging. My energy declined, I felt tired and listless more more quickly, my legs became tighter, so much so that I would rather avoid bending over and climbing stairs became an increasingly difficult undertaking. In addition, I developed an annoying susceptiblity to all kinds of inflammations and symptoms that I thought were allergies. In short: a hodgepodge of complaints and al things that never bothered me in the forest. 

In the meantime I have also bought a ground rod and I am already a few evenings and nights with earthing on and my complaints have mostly disappeared. I walk up and down the stairs as if I am ten years yonger and that is how I feel. People notice that I have a totally different dynamic and appearance gained in a short time. But when I tell why that is, I see disbelief on their faces, a reaction as if I'm kidding them. And yet the story of earthing is so logical and understandable - I think (now). 

We all started to eat worse and live an unhealthy lifestyle for our convenience or for the food (!?) industry and together with all kinds of electromagnetic radiation. These are at the very least attacks on our resistance. And when we come into contact with the earth again, weshield our feet with thick rubber (profile) soles that completely isolate us. A strong example of ingnorance, if we think we are healthy. 

I sometimes visited places for work and was surprised how strong, healthy and essentially young  people appeared to be and remarkably many people growing old in these areas where they practically walked the earth barefoot throughout their lives. 

So earthing. In real life. But with a thread it goes too. 
Fortunately, given our way of life and in our climate. What a grandiose discovery by Clint Ober, who also developed the means to bring the earth to our bodies."

Jonne Severijn 
Scriptwriter and moviemaker