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Earthing™ Patches and earthing wrapping bands

Home Earthing™ Patches and earthing wrapping bands
Earthing patches and bands

Earthing patches and Earthing bands to directly start earthing on a sensitive or sore spot.
The Earthing patches have the advantage that they can be stuck anywhere on the body.
The Earthing wrapping band is intended for the neck, shoulder, wrist or ankle.
The Earthing wrist band is intended to use for the wrist or ankle. 
The bands heve the advantage that they don't have to be pasted on the body.

For example, a wrapping band helps a sprained ankle heal faster. It causes inflammatory symptoms such as swelling and pain to decrease more quickly.
Tip: use a tubular bandage over the wrapping band for better earthing. 
A sprained ankle heals much faster with grounding.

Several studies have shown that earthing can very effectively relive chronic inflammation and pain. Earthing has a healing effect, no matter where your body is earthing, but relieving chronic inflammation and pain is faster if you are earthing in the area of the inflammation or pain. The Earthing patches are ideally suited for this purpose.
See the clip where the Earthing patches and recovery bags are used for the recovery of American cyclists in the Tour de France here.

Earthing wristband for wrist or ankle

€ 9,90

Price per piece

Earthing® patches 30 pieces

€ 21,00

€ 19,95

Price per piece