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Earthing® Set of 2 Universal Earthing mats including EU adapters

Earthing® Set of 2 Universal Earthing mats including EU adapters Earthing® Set of 2 Universal Earthing mats including EU adapters Earthing® Set of 2 Universal Earthing mats including EU adapters Earthing® Set of 2 Universal Earthing mats including EU adapters
Earthing® Set of 2 Universal Earthing mats including EU adapters
Earthing® Set of 2 Universal Earthing mats including EU adapters
Earthing® Set of 2 Universal Earthing mats including EU adapters
Earthing® Set of 2 Universal Earthing mats including EU adapters

Earthing® Set of 2 Universal Earthing mats including EU adapters

Set of 2x a universal earthing mat (32x74cm) with EU connection set, the second set for 49,90 euros instead of 59,90 euros. Ideal to work grounded, or to be grounded while relaxing/watching tv. Reduce Read more

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Product description

Reduce more than 95% of the AC Voltage on your body while working with the computer or watching TV using a universal Earthing mat.

This is a set of 2 universal earthing mats, with 2 connections sets (cables and EU adapters). 

Working at the computer with an earthing mat gives you less stress and helps you to work concentrated longer and being less exhausted at the end of the day.

The universal earthing mat (32 x 74 cm) is ideal for working grounded, watching TV, etc.
Lay it on the floor to place your bare feet on it. You can also wear thin socks made of natural materials, such as cotton or bamboo. Or put the universal earthing mat on your desk, under your keyboard, and make contact with your hand, wrist or forearm, to ground while you work.
The black side where the cable connects is the conductive side you make contact with.
If you put the earthing mat under your keyboard, the protruding part can be used as a mouse pad.

Working grounded has the advantage that you have and experience less stress. Your nervous system immediately gets the signal to relax. You work with more concentration and are less tired at the end of the day. 

In 2007, a group of researched from the Imperial College in London and the institute for health sciences at the university of Washington reported that the measurements in an office environment showed that the electrical energy under which people have been exposed for a long time, increase the risk of infections, stress and degenerative diseases and reduce the absorption of oxygen and activity.

By placing an earth-connected universal earthing mat under your keyboard and mouse and making contact with it with your wrists or forearms, you are instantly electrically discharged and this connection to the earth protects you from electromagnetic radiation. Of course, this also happens if you make contact with it with bare feet or thin socks while working.

People who work grounded at the computer report having fewer headaches and concentration problems, less fatigue and better work performance. Even some writers, who previously could always only write for a few hours, report that they can now do their work at the computer much longer.

Interestingly, being connected to the earth stimulates the right hemisphere of the brain, our creative brain; the left hemisphere, our analytical brain, settles down more. 

The universal earthing mat is also ideal to use when watching TV or just relaxing. Especially if you watch TV in the evening, it is important that you are not charged by all the electromagnetic radiation just before going to sleep. This, in fact, increases stress and does not promote sleep. But if you make contact with the earthing mat, for example with your (bare) feet, then your stress level goes down and you are not charged by all the electromagnetic radiation. This not only promotes health but also you then go to bed with less stress in your body.

Connecting to the earth
The earthing mat is connected to a special EU earthing adapter with a 5m. connection cable. The EU adapter fits into a grounded socket and only makes contact with the earth (and thus absolutely not with the current!). Three grounding products can be connected to this EU adapter. 
If you prefer a connection via the ground rod, you can order that as well. Because if you also want to use the earthing mat in other places, it is useful to have the EU adapter with it. 
If you already have an EU adapter, you can choose not to order it during the ordering process.

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Earthing® Set of 2 Universal Earthing mats including EU adapters
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9 reviews


1 matje ligt op de vloer bij de computer en de ander op de bank als ik TV kijk. Na 10 dagen gebruik merk ik wel getintel in mijn voeten maar ze worden niet warm. Wel slaap ik veel beter door. Maak nu nachten van 7 uur in plaats van gebroken 3 tot 6 uur. Andere klachten zijn nog niet afgenomen maar het gebruik is natuurlijk nog maar kort.


eerst zelf uitgetest met succes en nu voor mijn kleinkinderen die niet meer zo klein zijn en vele uren aan de computer doorbrengen... Het verschil is opmerkelijk en ze zijn beide heel enthousiast!


Yes, everything is fine


Yes, everything is fine


super hulp en effectief! gebruik beide matjes bij de computer en ben zeer tevreden


kwam net op tijd om mijn gezondheidssituatie een nieuwe wending te geven
gebruik de matten elke dag bij de computer: 1x voor de voeten en 1x voor de handen. en het werkt!

Lourens Weijer

Geweldig sinds ik die aardings producten gebruik, slaap ik beter en heb minder last van mijn dooie voeten vanwegen diagnose MS


Wat een fijn product! Ik voelde de aardende werking direct. Overigens gebruik ik het tot halverwege de middag; anders kan ik 's avonds de slaap niet meer vatten.


Ik gebruik het op het werk onder mijn toetsenbord en ook s'nachts aan mijn voeteneinde. Ik merk dat ik beter slaap en uitgeruster de dag begin. Niet zo geschikt om de computermuis erop te leggen omdat het bewegen van de muis dan stroef gaat; ik schuif de mat dan wat verderop zodat de muis vrij ligt.